Tested and vetted by our curation team, our Texture-Meter gives you a better overview of the physical properties of the product so you can feel confident and comfortable with your purchase. 

 Color: How light or dark the product’s hue is. 

  • Measurements: 1 = Clear, 2 = Semi-white, 3 = Opaque White, 4 = Tinge of Color, 5 = Distinct Color Hue

Thickness: How lightweight or dense a product is. 

  • Measurements: 1 = liquid, 2 = Gel, 3 = Lightweight, 4 = Creamy, 5 = Dense 

Fragrance: The amount of noticeable fragrance detected in a product. 

  • Measurements: 1 = Zero Fragrance  2 = Light Fragrance, 3 = Notable Fragrance , 4 = Strong Fragrance, 5 = Intense Fragrance